The process of making Biodiesel is pretty easy. It is simple to get started making your own. You will find it very rewarding and liberating making your own fuel
Making Biodiesel - The Supplies
To produce a small volume of Biodiesel at home, you only need a few easily available things. You need the actual ingredients to make the Biodiesel alcohol, lye and vegetable oil. You also have to get some containers for mixing the fuel: unfilled plastic bottles, duct tape, a blender and measuring cups. You have to ensure that production implements for Biodiesel should be used solely for that purpose. Keep them well away from any cooking equipment.
Once your supplies are in place, you are ready to begin learning how to make Biodiesel.
Hazard Free Process :
The production of your own homemade Biodiesel is not risky. There is little chance of fire or explosion as you may expect with other more volatile fuels. Indeed the only safety precaution you have to take are the ones you would whilst cooking.; avoid burning yourself on the cooker, and keep an eye on the temperature of your mix.
You will have a walk through on the do-it-yourself way of making a Biodiesel which requires combining the ingredients, allowing it to settle, splitting the byproduct and Biodiesel and then sanitizing the Biodiesel. The production process can take place in a few days or weeks. That depends on how clean your vegetable oil was to start with.
Low Volume or High Volume? :
You can make Biodiesel on a small scale or a large scale, it all depends on your intended usage. Low volume kitchen production of biodisel is ok if your intention is to produce a a few gallons of at a time, for mixing with the regular diesel you already use, or If you are a lawnmower user or a user of other lawn equipment for example. If you intend to use Biodiesel in your car or truck then you will need a lot more, in this case a Biodiesel kit makes sense. It is easy to use and wont need any special skills.
For more information visit the make Biodiesel at home website.